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Ordered mine!

FMC with the screened remote?
FMC with the screened remote?

No, the lowest of low end, the single battery with N3 remote. I already have an RC2. I'll get a few more batteries when they become available. Nicely, the flip charges at full power in the drone, same as the hub. About time, DJI.

Not made of money, but $500 is kind of a threshold below which my careful consideration starts to take a back seat to my engineer geek loves gadgets persona.

Plus, I don't have an N3. Don't really need one with an N1, N2, and RC2, but hey.
Good choice.

I have the N3 remote for the NEO and don't really need another one. But "it is what it is as" they say.

Post here when it's on the way 😁

Ordered from Dronepoint Canada, will be here in two days.

I hate it. Can't wait 'til it gets here 🤣
Congratulations on your order! Why from Canada? Are there still problems with getting drones in US?

Amazon has them with next day delivery here in Canada.

Congrats Chris! I was starting to worry I was going to be the only person posting Flip content on here. 😂
Congrats Chris! I was starting to worry I was going to be the only person posting Flip content on here. 😂
I think you misunderstood. I haven’t ordered one. I was just stating they are available now in Canada.

Sorry for the confusion.

Congratulations on your order! Why from Canada? Are there still problems with getting drones in US?

Amazon has them with next day delivery here in Canada.


Amazon only shows the RC2 combo from Santa Cruz, likely the entire US. Don't need a second RC2.

Also, didn't want to take any chances.
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