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Recent content by Chrislaf

  1. Chrislaf

    NE UK

    Welcome to the forum. There are many experienced flyers on here who have multiple drones so don't hesitate to ask questions. Chris
  2. Chrislaf

    Tough little drone.

    Here’s another video that shows how tough the Flip is but the electronics seem to be something that is of concern in a crash. Chris
  3. Chrislaf

    Flip Vs Neo

    @ejcupcake, do you have a Flip and NEO or are you just comparing the specs from the DJI website? It would be neat if you had both drones and did a real world comparison and posted your thoughts here. Chris
  4. Chrislaf

    New to drones

    I have also heard that Davinci is good, however I have never used it. If you have a Mac or iOS device you could also use iMovie which is easy to use. It comes with Macs and also available on iPads and iPhones. It's great if you are just starting out in video editing and it's free! Chris
  5. Chrislaf

    Flip Pics and Videos Forum

    Why is there no Flip Pics and Videos sub forum like on all the other forums? It would be great to have this section so that those who have a Flip could post their photos and videos so that we can see what kind of content people are creating with this drone. I know there are lots of videos on...
  6. Chrislaf

    Hello from Muscat, Oman

    Welcome to the forum. Chris
  7. Chrislaf

    Greetings from Cape Cod,MA! 🌊 😎

    Hi Kyle. Welcome to the forum. I’m from Ontario, Canada north of Toronto. I fly all the drones in my signature. Chris
  8. Chrislaf

    Drones to up my photography game !

    Welcome to the forum. You should have lots of beautiful scenery up your way to photograph. Chris
  9. Chrislaf

    Do you think the Flip will be FPV compatible?

    I agree, but I guess since they have previously added support for other predominantly camera drones, it has led to many people asking/requesting support for FPV on the Flip. If I had a Flip, I am not sure I would want it to have FPV support anyway considering that the NEO is a much cheaper/more...
  10. Chrislaf

    Do you think the Flip will be FPV compatible?

    I likely will be trying out FPV with my NEO in the spring. The reason I was asking is that many other camera drones like the Mini 4 Pro and even the Mavic 3 Pro can be flown FPV just not like a true FPV drone. I’m sure it would be possible for DJI to make the Flip compatible with Goggles if...
  11. Chrislaf

    Greetings from CA USA

    Welcome to the forum! Good luck to you and to all members of the forum. Chris
  12. Chrislaf

    Flip tracking compared to NEO and Air 3s

    Is the best drone at tracking the one you thought it was? Chris
  13. Chrislaf

    DJI Flip FPV?

    I think many would like this to happen but it is doubtful due to the gimbal design and the Field of View (FOV) of the camera. Chris
  14. Chrislaf

    360 Pano questions

    I agree. If the NEO would have come out after the Flip, I likely wouldn’t have considered it at all. Now that I know what I can do with the NEO and how durable it is, I find myself using it all the time. Chris