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Win a DJI Flip!


Staff member
May 13, 2019
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Hey all! To jumpstart the DJI Flip community we'll be giving away a FREE DJI Flip on March 31st!

How to enter? Create your FlipPilots.com account and make a post - or multiple posts! We'll randomly pick one post among all the valid posts at midnight CST on March 31. The member who posted it will receive a FREE DJI FLIP!

To clarify, a post is a reply to the thread or the start of a new thread. Please make sure these are legit posts that drive discussions. If you are "stuffing the ballot box" with no useful content then we won't include it in the drawing.

Don't forget to drop into the Pilot Introductions and create a thread to let us know a bit about yourself for your first entry into the contest!

Good luck!

Although I don't plan on purchasing one at this time, if I won one I sure wouldn't complain. Thanks for offering this contest.

I do find it to be an interesting release by DJI as it is sort of an improved NEO and a Mini 4 with a few missing features.

I wish it had RID. It has RID capability in China. Maybe they can turn it on here too. It would be the perfect Category 1 OOP drone if it had RID.
Hello from the Crossroads of America in central Indiana Vic Moss.

I know you're not a stranger to the Forums and I appreciate the work that you do for us drone pilots.

Recreational or certified, you're there. :)

I wonder if the new administration (US gov) could help with unlocking the RID capabilities of the FLIP. :unsure:

BTW, Welcome to the FLIP Forum. 🙃

I wish it had RID. It has RID capability in China. Maybe they can turn it on here too. It would be the perfect Category 1 OOP drone if it had RID.
It seems like it has RID, but it's disabled for the U.S. I watched some launch video where they had the wrong country selected and it has activated the RID module. It turned off when they picked the correct country. Don't recall if the video creator was U.S. based or not.

But yeah, it's a bummer RID is not on by default in the U.S.
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It seems like it has RID, but it's disabled for the U.S. I watched some launch video where they had the wrong country selected and it has activated the RID module. It turned off when they picked the correct country. Don't recall if the video creator was U.S. based or not.

But yeah, it's a bummer RID is not on by default in the U.S.
Yeah, both Greg and Dono said that. Although Ken didn't say in his video, it was during a personal discussion all three of us were having. I have been in discussion with my DJI contact about this. She says it won't happen. I'm thinking of bugging her until she blocks my phone number.. 😉

That's actually just an inside joke.

But I did suggest to her that DJI put out a Flip Pro where the only difference would be RID active. They could charge an extra $75 or so. It would be the only RTF Category 1 drone on the market.
Hello from the Crossroads of America in central Indiana Vic Moss.

I know you're not a stranger to the Forums and I appreciate the work that you do for us drone pilots.

Recreational or certified, you're there. :)

I wonder if the new administration (US gov) could help with unlocking the RID capabilities of the FLIP. :unsure:

BTW, Welcome to the FLIP Forum. 🙃

It's not up to the administration. It is up to each and every manufacturer. If the drone is under .55 pounds, and designed for recreational flights, it doesn't need to have RID. So that's an issue. The only option would be to mandate all drones have RID, but that wouldn't go over very well at all for the recreational crowd.

Thanks for the welcome.
you gotta be flippin crazy to give away a flippin drone! way to go kids!
Hey all! To jumpstart the DJI Flip community we'll be giving away a FREE DJI Flip on March 31st!

How to enter? Create your FlipPilots.com account and make a post - or multiple posts! We'll randomly pick one post among all the valid posts at midnight CST on March 31. The member who posted it will receive a FREE DJI FLIP!

To clarify, a post is a reply to the thread or the start of a new thread. Please make sure these are legit posts that drive discussions. If you are "stuffing the ballot box" with no useful content then we won't include it in the drawing.

Don't forget to drop into the Pilot Introductions and create a thread to let us know a bit about yourself for your first entry into the contest!

Good luck!

This is amazing. I just got into drones this Christmas. I found the Mavic page and gained a lot of knowledge just surfing the posts. Thank you for these groups.
Interested in finding out more about this unique DJI folding drone.
Mine would be donated to a family member or deserving individual if I won as I don’t need two.
Man, it's getting so the releases are dropping fast with a rumor right behind it. :)
I got a Mini 4k for Christmas, returned it because I heard Flip was coming. But then I hear Neo 2 and Mini 5 is coming. Geez. So I'm just gonna be happy if I win this Flip. :D

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